Category: General

Terry Fox Walk

Thanks to the efforts of the Athletic Council, our annual Terry Fox walk in support of cancer research was a great success. This activity exemplifies how the students and staff at St. Augustine unite in support of important causes and participate in positive healthy activities. Thanks to the generous contributions of our school community, we raised over $10, 000. 

Raising Money for Our Sister Schools!

On October 23- 27th, the H.E.A.R.T committee celebrated HEART week! During this week the committee spread awareness and raised money for our sister schools in Uganda. They sold some wonderful Halloween treats and hosted a Civvies day. H.E.A.R.T is pleased to announce through these events the students of St. Augustine CHS raised $2600 for St. Charles Lwanga School and Sacred Heart Primary School.  Thank you ... Continue reading "Raising Money for Our Sister Schools!"

Matt 25 Scares Hunger

Once again, this year, the Matt 25 Committee ran the annual Titans Scare Hunger Food Drive for the Good Shepherd.  The event ran from October 23rd – November 3rd.   Non-perishable food items were collected by each homeroom. The event was a great opportunity for the students of St. Augustine to learn about and participate in acts of kindness and giving.  We believe that together, we ... Continue reading "Matt 25 Scares Hunger"