Category: General

St. Augustine CHS Achieves Terry Fox “Top Fundraising Schools of 2021” List

St. Augustine Catholic High School is proud to announce that we have placed on the “Top Fundraising Schools of 2021” list! Thank you to the St. Augustine community for your support.   It is an honour that Terry’s story of courage and determination continues to be taught, shared and used as an example of the best we can be, not only as individuals, but also as ... Continue reading "St. Augustine CHS Achieves Terry Fox “Top Fundraising Schools of 2021” List"

Information About STREAM Application

Families intending to apply to our STREAM Focus Program for the 2022/23 school year are encouraged to review all pertinent information in our Grade 8 Virtual Open House presentation. A link to the application can be found in the presentation, and will close on November 24th by 10:00 pm.

Please note that a grade 8 Progress Report is not necessary for the completion ... Continue reading "Information About STREAM Application"