St. Augustine Catholic High School is gearing up for summer break. While summer presents an opportunity to relax and enjoy the sunshine, we want our students to continue to find ways to learn while away from the classroom.
To inspire our students throughout the summer we are encouraging them to visit the school library and borrow up to four books of their choosing for the entire summer. To take advantage of this great opportunity please visit the library by June 18th.
E-Books & OverDrive Summer Read Program
We have an exciting reading service available through Sora also known as Overdrive, the student reading app, which provides free 24/7 access to eBooks and audiobooks. What better way to engage your student’s mind than through reading?
In addition to our existing library Overdrive collection, this summer, the OverDrive Summer Read program will offer a collection of Juvenile and Young Adult titles that will be prominently displayed in Sora for quick and easy unlimited access from June 6 – August 15, 2019.
How does it work?
Sora provides the quickest and easiest way to get started with digital titles from our school. Students can simply log in using school credentials and instantly access hundreds of eBooks and audiobooks on virtually any device. Get started today at https://soraapp.com or download the free Sora app for Android or iOS.
For easy access, our school’s login credentials: Use your network ID and your network password.
The 6 Benefits of Summer Reading
- Improve Self-Esteem
- Improve Memory Skills
- Increase Desire to Read
- Improve Reading Skills
- Neutralize Summer Learning Loss
- Improve Comprehension
The Real-Life Benefits of Reading Fiction: Research reveals how compelling stories can make us better people.