Year: 2017

Supporting Catholic Education

Dear Supporters of Catholic Education,

 In November, the Ontario Liberal Party launched their “Common Ground” website:

 This website invites the public to put forward proposals that address particular provincial needs and priorities. One of the current suggestions is a proposal for the amalgamation of all Ontario schools under ... Continue reading "Supporting Catholic Education"

Grade 8 Parent Information Night / STEM Focused Laptop Program Presentation November 8th

At this time, St. Augustine Catholic High School is in the process of registering grade eight students for the grade nine Program that commences in September 2018.  Many of you already have sons or daughters at St. Augustine Catholic High School and we know that you can appreciate the merits of your son’s/daughter’s education in a Catholic high school.

We will be hosting ... Continue reading "Grade 8 Parent Information Night / STEM Focused Laptop Program Presentation November 8th"

Take Our Kids to Work Wednesday, Nov. 1st

Take Our Kids to Work is the signature program of The Learning Partnership, a national charitable organization dedicated to supporting, promoting and advancing public education in Canada.  Now in its 23rd year, Take Our Kids to Work annually involves more than 200,000 students in a day of career exploration and learning about the skills required in the world of work. On Wednesday, November 1,

... Continue reading "Take Our Kids to Work Wednesday, Nov. 1st"


An info night for Grade 11 and 12 parents, and Grade 11 and 12 students with motivational speaker BLAKE Fly and ST AUGUSTINE ALUMNI.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 2017                                                                                                                 IN THE CAFETERIA FROM 6:30PM-9:00PM

ST. AUGUSTINE’S VERY OWN ALUMNI are excited to talk to Grade 11 and 12 parents and students about heir journeys from past to present, their educational and career ... Continue reading "LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL"

Parent Information Night: The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

St. Augustine parents are invited to attend an information session to learn about the award and the  benefits of achieving The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. This Award is open to all of our students.

Date:   September 28, 2017

Time: 7:00pm

Location: School Cafeteria

For more information on the award please visit: ... Continue reading "Parent Information Night: The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award"